Forskrift 1. juni 2016 nr. 548

Safety and operational directive – Airbus Helicopters EC225LP and AS332L2 – Limitation of all operations in the Kingdom of Norway due to fatal accident on the 29th of April 2016

(Airbus Helicopters EC225LP and AS332L2
– Limitation of all operations)

Fastsatt av Luftfartstilsynet 1. juni 2016 med hjemmel i lov 11. juni 1993 nr. 101 om luftfart (luftfartsloven) § 4−1 og § 9−1, jf. delegeringsvedtak 10. desember 1999 nr. 1273.

Opphevet ved forskrift 20. juli 2017 nr. 1209.


I kraftEndrede paragrafer og andre endringer
20.07.2017OPPHEVET  (jf. forskrift 20. juli 2017 nr. 1209)

Table of Content:

2.Compliance/action to be taken
4.Notifications and queries
5.Revocation and Commencement

This Safety and Operational Directive contains mandatory action that is requi­red to ensure an acceptable level of safety.  It is issued under paragraphs 4−1 and 9−1 of the Aviation Act (luftfartsloven) and in accordance with regulation (EC) No 216/2008 article 14.1.

  • This Safety and Operational Directive is applicable to operators conducting public transport helicopter operations or commercial air transport operations in the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Norway.
  • Recipients must ensure that this Directive is copied to all members of their staff who need to take appropriate action or who may have an interest in the infor­mation, including any «in-house» or contracted maintenance organisation and rele­vant outside contractors.
  • This Safety and Operational Directive supersedes SAFETY DIRECTIVE No. 16/05616-5 and extends the applicability of measures put in place on 29 April 2016 and 11 May 2016 to all Airbus Helicopters EC225LP and AS332L2 helicop­ters.
  • The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority directs operators of any Airbus Helicop­ters EC225LP or AS332L2 helicopter which is:
    • registered in the Kingdom of Norway or
    • flying in the Kingdom of Norway or in the neighborhood of an offshore location to comply with the requirements set forth in paragraph 2.2.
  • Operators must not conduct any flight with an Airbus Helicopters EC225LP or AS332L2 helicopter.

This Safety and Operational Directive is made in the interest of ensuring safe operations following a fatal accident with an Airbus Helicopters EC225LP on the 29 April 2016.

As a result of the preliminary report from AIBN 1 June 2016 and contact between the UK Civil Aviation Authority and Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority on 1 June 2016, it was decided that Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority will extend the scope of their Airbus Helicopters EC225LP and AS332L2 Safety Directives to all operations, including SAR operations.

Notifications and queries should be sent to Luftfartstilsynet at, and referring to Case 16/05616.

This Safety and Operational Directive shall enter into force on 2 June 2016 00:00 hrs local time and will remain in force until revoked by the Civil Aviation Authority.