Regulations of 20 December 2017 No 2329
on observation flights conducted under
the Treaty on Open Skies
(Regulations on observation flights conducted under
the Treaty on Open Skies)
Fastsatt av Luftfartstilsynet 20. desember 2017 med hjemmel i lov 11. juni 1993 nr. 101 om luftfart (luftfartsloven) § 9−1, § 9−2 og § 9−7, jf. delegeringsvedtak 10. desember 1999 nr. 1265 og delegeringsvedtak 10. desember 1999 nr. 1273.
Adopted by Luftfartstilsynet 20 December 2017 pursuant to Act of 11 June 1993 No 101 on aviation § 9−1, § 9−2 and § 9−7, cf. Royal Decree of 10 December 1999 No 1265; cf. the Ministry of Transport and Communications' Delegation Decision of 10 December 1999 No 1273.
Section 1. | Purpose |
Section 2. | Definitions and abbreviations |
Section 3. | Principal rule |
Section 4. | Point of entry/exit |
Section 5. | Open Skies Airfields |
Section 6. | Refuelling airfield |
Section 7. | Priority |
Section 8. | Flight Safety |
Section 9. | Existing restricted and danger areas |
Section 10. | Language proficiency |
Section 11. | Inspection of observation aircraft and sensors |
Section 12. | Infringements |
Section 13. | Amendment of other regulations |
Section 14. | Entry into force |
The purpose of these regulations is to clarify the conduct of observation flights by state parties, which are considered civil aviation flights, when performing observation flights in Norway and Norwegian airspace in accordance with the Treaty on Open Skies of 24 March 1992.
For the purpose of these Regulations, the below terms from the Treaty on Open Skies are meant to be understood as follows:
For the purpose of these Regulations, the below abbreviations are meant to be understood as follows:
All observation flights must be carried out in accordance with the Treaty on Open Skies, the filed flight plan (FPL) and applicable air traffic regulations.
The following are the Norwegian Open Skies airfields:
In accordance with the Treaty on Open Skies, aircraft undertaking observation flights are to be afforded priority over any regular air traffic.
When within controlled airspace, observation flights are to be afforded non-deviating status and priority over all other aircraft except
Observation flights outside of controlled airspace (Class G airspace) must be carried out in accordance with standardised European visual flight rules (VFR) and give way accordingly.
In order to ensure the highest level of flight safety all observation flights should be carried out in controlled airspace. All flights in controlled airspace requires ATC clearance. Except when necessary for take-off or landing flights in terminal control areas (TMA) must be carried out at minimum 7000 feet AMSL.
For flight safety reasons and to assist in affording priority over other regular air traffic, whilst operating outside of controlled airspace (Class G airspace), observation flights are strongly recommended to remain within the bounds of radio and surveillance coverage.
For flight safety reasons it should be published a NOTAM that informs about the observation flights.
Restricted and danger areas that are effected by observation flights shall be deactivated, and information to relevant operators and agencies shall be distributed accordingly.
If the area in question cannot be deactivated, Norwegian armed forces personnel must ensure that the flight can be safely conducted.
For flight safety reasons the pilot and pilot-in-command must have minimum Operational Level (Level 4) in English in accordance with the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale.
Norwegian authorities may conduct an examination and inventory of the observation aircraft and sensors, as specified in the Treaty on Open Skies, at Oslo Airport, Gardermoen.
Norwegian aviation authorities may demand access to any aircraft that is used for aviation activities in Norway and perform a ramp inspection, cf. Aviation Act 11 June 1993 No 101 section 4-8.
Observation flights that violates the regime established in the Treaty on Open Skies or applicable air traffic regulations must immediately be terminated. The air traffic control or chief flight monitor have the authority to terminate the flight.
At the time of entry into force the following amendments are made to existing regulations:
Restriksjonene i denne forskrift gjelder ikke for ambulanseflyginger og flyginger etter Avtalen om det åpne luftrom.
Også ambulanse-, politi-, søk- og redningsoppdrag og flyginger etter Avtalen om det åpne luftrom må innhente særskilt tillatelse fra Lufttrafikktjenesten på Flesland før flyging i området EN R203 kan gjennomføres.
Forbudet gjelder ikke flyging i forbindelse med politi-, ambulanse-, forsvars-, søk- og redningsoppdrag og flyginger etter Avtalen om det åpne luftrom under forutsetning av at flygingen innrettes etter publiserte anbefalinger for VFR-trafikk i Oslo-området.
Operasjoner i tilknytning til militær-, ambulanse-, politi-, søk- og redningsoppdrag og flyginger etter Avtalen om det åpne luftrom skal prioriteres foran annen trafikk i restriksjonsområdet.